Kibele PIMS Endüstriyel Görüntüleme ve Robotik Otomasyon

TCDP PLUS Serileri

TCDP PLUS Serileri

TCDP PLUS series are dual magnification telecentric lenses supporting two cameras to measure objects with different magnifications. They are the perfect choice for measuring components of different sizes but also for applications where an entire sample and some of its smaller features have to be measured with the same accuracy. The fixed design of these lenses ensures perfect repeatability with no need to recalibrate after each magnification change.

TCDP PLUS lenses help cut the cost of your vision system: you only need to integrate one lens, one illuminator and one mount.

TCDP PLUS lenses are compatible with CMHO clamping mechanics and LTCLHP collimated illuminators, as well as LTRN ring illuminators designed for the standard TC series.